Home / Blog / NEW 2024 Brochure for Dependent Care Assistance Plan FSA Benefit Plan Document

NEW 2024 Brochure for Dependent Care Assistance Plan FSA Benefit Plan Document


Core DCAP Dependent Care FSA Plan DocumentDecember 31, 2023 – The Core DCAP FSA allows tax-free employee dependent care expenses up to $5,000 annually. Employees save up to 40% in income taxes ($2,000 year). Employers also save the 7.65%  matching FICA Social Security and Medicare tax ($382.50 per employee).

Employers can establish a Dependent Care Assistance FSA benefit simply by establishing a written plan document, a requirement of the IRS, and distribute a benefit summary plan description to every employee, a requirement of the Department of Labor.

Core Documents can provide you with everything you need to establish a Section 129 Dependent Care Assistance FSA including the: Plan Document, Summary Plan Description, Election/Claim Forms and a complete Do-It-Yourself Administration Guide.

The basic PDF plan document package delivered via email is only $129, the deluxe printed plan document package in 3-ring binder plus the PDF email version is $179.00.

Tax Savings Calculations
• $5,000 Maximum X up to 40% payroll taxes = up to $2,000 savings per employee
• $5,000 Maximum X 7.65% Matching FICA Tax = $382.50 savings to the employer per employee

The IRS and DOL only require employers to adopt a formal plan document and SPD to define the benefit design in writing. Then you start saving money.

Online encrypted Order Form: /fsa_online_order_options.php

Fax/Email Order Form: /image/CoreDCAP_FSA_Order_Form.pdf

Brochure: /wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Core-Section-129-Dependent-Care-Assistance-FSA-Plan-Document-Forms.pdf

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