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ICHRA: Presidential announcement restores health care freedom
Update: On June 14, 2019, President Donald J. Trump announced that individual coverage HRAs will be available to employers of all sizes for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. This article is updated to reflect this fantastic news.

Individual coverage HRA (ICHRA)
Since changing to a new HRA model takes time in planning for the transition, employers should learn as much as possible about the ICHRA long before the open enrollment period for plan years beginning January 1, 2020.
More information and resources will be available soon. Be sure to check back for updates, or register for our ICHRA News alerts.
Core Documents’ complete guide to the ICHRA is now available!
(Click Here)
NEW Stand-alone premium reimbursement HRA for all employers
With President Trump’s latest announcement on health care (watch the announcement here), the promise of Executive Order No. 13813 is fulfilled.
Americans are no longer held to over-sized, over-priced cookie-cutter group health plans. Now, employers of any size can provide funding that reimburses employees for their own purchase of individual health coverage that best fits their health care needs.
The new individual coverage HRA (ICHRA) also brings much-needed relief to employers struggling to meet the large employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and for smaller employers wanting to provide better coverage for workers than a QSE-HRA allows.
Employer benefits:
- Employers providing the individual care HRA are no longer required to sponsor a group health plan for those employees;
- The ICHRA is available to employee groups of any size;
- There is no minimum or maximum limit on the amount of funding an employer may provide;
- Broad latitude is given to defining employee classification groups for variations in the type of coverage offered and the level of the individual care HRA benefit;
- Participants provide required proof of coverage; no further employer processing required;
- Integrates with Medicare (for eligible employees);
- Can work with HSAs and health FSAs;
- The most flexible and affordable option yet in employer-sponsored health plans.
Employee advantages:
- Choose your own individual health coverage based on what you need and what you can afford;
- Be reimbursed for qualifying health insurance up to the amount your employer provides in the ICHRA;
- Keep the same health insurance when you change jobs;
- No steep increase in health insurance premium if you leave work altogether (as usually applies under COBRA);
- When both spouses have an employer-sponsored ICHRA, premium reimbursement can be split between the two; and,
- An opt-out provision for employees that would rather forego the new HRA in favor of a premium tax credit on a health care exchange.
Core ICHRA plan document package
Like all tax-saving benefit plans, a written plan document is required to establish the individual coverage HRA.
 Deluxe Binder Version
Health Insurance YOUR WAY
No two people have the same health coverage needs. That’s why one-size-fits-all group health plans are often a less effective solution for most of us.
With the new ICHRA, businesses can now return health coverage choice to employees. It’s all about having health insurance your way.
$199 in PDF via email*
$249 in PDF email* + Deluxe Binder via USPS
Order your ICHRA plan document today:
Order Online
(If you would rather fax or email your order, click here for a fill-in/printable order form.)
*Basic plan design
Video: Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) for American health care freedom (1:19)
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Core Documents is the country’s leading provider of cost-effective, tax-saving benefit plan documents for Section 125 Cafeteria plans and Health Reimbursement Arrangements. The Trusted Source since 1997, thousands of satisfied agents and employer groups nationwide rely upon Core Documents for free plan design consulting services, plan document updates, ERISA Wrap SPDs, and administration services.